My first game is out!

Ultimate Blaster Cannon is out now!

As stated in the game's page, I made this game within 2 weeks, it was a project to prove that I could sit down and make games, not only to myself, but to my family as well.

I started by watching a Game Maker youtube playlist about making a sidescrolling shooter and I went from there.

I actually learned a fair bit about spriting and artwork with this, I didn't expect to considering that I'm only kind of ok at art and pixel art seemed really hard, but once I thought of applying techniques that I've learned in doing art like having distinguished outlines.

Another thing I found useful was Bfxr, it's a useful program that can generate sound effects and then lets you tweak them, it was really useful.

The only sad parts are that I didn't have enough time to get into making music and better visual effects, if I had more time definitely would've gotten both of those done, but as it is, I'm happy with everything I was able to do by myself while under a time limit.

My main inspirations for this project were ZeroRanger and Blue Revolver, both of those games are AMAZING, so give them a try

From here on, the plan is to take a small break, and figure out what to do after.


UBC 4.4 MB
61 days ago

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